Carcar City in Cebu

Carcar City Cebu

Carcar City is one of the famous city in Cebu Province, Republic of the Philippines.

The city is officially called the City of Carcar or Dakbayan sa Carcar in Cebuano language. It is a 5th city income class component city of Cebu Province.

Carcar has over 60 thousand registered voters, which is about half of the total population according to the 2015 census that is over 110 thousand residents.

Carcar is located within Cebu Metro area.

The City is approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Cebu City. It is also the gateway to the South and Southwestern part of the province. It takes about as hour to get there by bus and other public vehicles.

San Fernando Municipality bounds Carcar in the North; Sibonga municipality in the South, Barili and Aloguinsan Municipalities in the West, and Bohol Straight bounded Carcar in the East.

brief historical description

Carcar used to be known as “Sialao” before the Spaniards reached the province (Wikipedia). It became a municipality in the 16th century and is one of the oldest towns in Cebu Province with many cultural legacies and influences from Spain.

Features, Climate and Political Unit

Carcar City is almost 80 percent features level ground of the total land area and only less than 20 percent of slope areas (DTI Cebu). The highest level in Carcar is only over 600 meters high above sea level, which is located in Barangay Napo.

Carcar has basically two seasons: the rainy season from May to October and a dry season from January to May. However, the city and the barangays under its jurisdiction is generally accessible during those two seasons for any travel activities.

barangays (barrio) of carcar City

The City has 15 barangays under its jurisdiction and management. These are the following...

Bolinawan, Buenavista, Calidngan, Can-asujan, Guadalupe, Liburon, Napo, Ocana, Perrelos, Poblacion I, Poblacion II, Poblacion III, Tuyom, Valencia, Valladolid.

If you want to travel to Carcar, it would be great if you know the name of the barangay you are planning to see or explore.

The total land area of Carcar about 11 thousand hectares based on Cadastral Survey (DTI Cebu).

The arable land is over 10 thousand hectares, residential with over a hundred hectares, commercial of almost 50 hectares, industrial of over 70 hectares, and agricultural of almost 6 thousand hectares.

Around 800 hectares of grassland, over 1 thousand unclassified forest land and wilderness, and over 200 hectares of national parks and playgrounds.

Rivers and springs also abound in the area with about 100 hectares in total. Belonging to Carcar City is Bolinawan Island - a beautiful place with over 20 hectares of land size.

public & private infrastructure and facilities

The City have a national road, provincial road, municipal road and barangay road – the longest road network which links the barangays to the other routes.

Under its jurisdiction, Carcar has many elementary schools, about ten high schools, vocational schools and even a college institution.

There are significant public market places which are located in the Poblacion or city towns. Each town and barrios or barangays has its own multi-purpose buildings which are commonly used for public events such as celebrations, entertainments, and political campaigns, among others.

A few hospitals and some clinics or other health centers can be found in the towns and barangays. However, most patients with severe health problems are usually referred by physicians or health officers to the bigger hospitals in Cebu City.

transportation service

You can easily access all public vehicles that can bring you to Carcar City, Cebu. You can take any bus that goes toward that direction from Cebu City’s bus terminal.

A V-hire (van), jeepney or taxi would be more than happy to drop you off at the city center of Carcar. In the city, you can ride smaller vehicles that will bring you around for some reasonable fees.

Tricycles, trisikads or jeepneys are common transports among the locals to get on their daily chores.

business & financial establishments

As a City, Carcar has some business structures and services that can provide you better service and facilitation of your business.

Most of the banks and similar services can be found in the City and towns of Carcar. ATMs, currency exchange, lending and financing institutions, pawnshops and such places are accessible in the city and more populated towns.

Various small businesses and shops are also available for your daily or travel needs. For example, you can buy products from a Sari-Sari Store (a miscellaneous shop that sells various everyday products including candies, cigarettes, alcohol, canned goods, personal hygiene products, etc.).

Small and medium size restaurants are also readily accessible and visible in towns and populated barangays or barrio centers.

Gas stations, general merchandising shops, service and repair shop, pharmacies, bake shops, fish markets and similar shopping establishments can mostly be found in Carcar City and towns only.

some industries and local farms

As a source of income for the city and among local workers, you can find local industries and other businesses that support the residents.

Carcar has a cottage industry, shoe industry, metalworks, blacksmith, furniture industry, food industry (e.g. Ampao and Chicharon).

Carcar also has fishponds, livestock and poultry farm industries which comprise vast areas in various places under its jurisdiction.

Agricultural Products

As an agricultural product producer, Carcar supports locals and nearby places with farm products including rice, corn, coconut, vegetables, root crops, mangoes, monggo and peas, bananas and others.

Now, if you found this page due to your aim for finding travel guide, let me describe some of such places that could be helpful in your search.

Below are some of the popular destinations for travelers and guests in the area.

Calvary Hills Ocana Station of the Cross
Historical Structure Poblacion II Spanish Antiques
Mainit Mabugnaw Guadalupe Cave, Swimming Pool, Spring (National Park)
Miraculous Statue of Perrelos Statue of Virgin Mary
Tuyom Beach House
Mercado Ancestral Home
Carcar Plaza – heritage structures
Church of St Catherine of Alexandria
Public Market – chicharon, Lechon, ampao, bucarillo, and delicacies

Yes, such are examples of places and sites you can visit and spend quality time with your family or friends relaxing or doing enjoyable activities you can think of.

Thank you if you reach this portion of the page. Hope this page also gives you some relevant information for your search. If some information are not accurate, please kindly help us correct them by sending us a short email

Have a great day!

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