Cebu Fashion Accessories
"Create Your Beautiful Products Here on the Island"

Cebu Fashion Accessories Manufacturers & Exporters

Thriving Cebu Fashion Accessories

The hand-crafted accessories designed by skilled craftspeople of Cebu compete with the world’s related products.

The fashion jewelries and other decorative products being designed, hand-crafted and exported abroad and worldwide have the quality, beauty and standards of the top artists/designers, and palatable to the tastes of accessories lovers with various preferences.

Cebu fashion accessories manufacturing is a growing business among locals and foreign investors on this provincial island. This business sector provides not only profits to business people and investors but also as a stable and sustainable source of livelihood among local workers—designers, craftspeople and other workers involved in this business venture.

Opportunities for fashion accessories investment

Anyone, or you, can venture into this business sector and be one of the contributors of this thriving business field.

Cebu Province, especially in Cebu City, Mandaue City, and Lapu-Lapu City (Mactan Island) offers you all possibilities and opportunities to start any business, including fashion accessories.

As we will see below, small and medium size accessories companies accept orders from others (other domestic or international accessory companies) in bulks amounting from a minimum of US$3,000 to 18,000 per order for a certain quantity of accessories. Of course this quantity and amount vary per company.

Advantages for Cebu fashion accessories manufacturing investment

1)    Cebu is open and ripe for various business investments, including fashion accessories. The environment of Cebu offers very welcoming atmosphere for business. As an investor, you can have various incentives and tax-related exemptions depending on your business status.

2)    Second, Cebu has been tested and tired by both domestic and foreign investors/business entities that have already been in the province for quite some time. For example, the MEPZA is the witness and living proof that Cebu could be your perfect place for a business (accessories) venture.

3)    Most of all, Cebu Province offers a safe environment for both politically and geographically. Politically, the provincial government has an open and friendly attitude towards entrepreneurs willing to do serious business. Geographically, Cebu is safe from threats including severe typhoons or politically-motivated uprisings.

Model Businesses for Cebu Fashion Accessories

There are numerous accessories businesses or companies in Cebu from which you can model your business if you wish on starting one. Just like any big companies, all accessory businesses in Cebu (or anywhere in the world) start from a humble beginning. So, you’re not alone!

Absoberano is one of the popular and really thriving international corporation in Cebu Province. This corporation started in 1986 specializing in fashion accessories and home decors.

The corporation uses natural materials for their products including wood, coconut shells, sea shells, fibers, and bone among other resources.

As much as they can, Absoberano Corporation tries to promote a better business with integrity and social responsibility by providing better environment and compensation for its workers and skilled craftspeople.

Most of all, what I like with this group is its vision for a sustainable environment by employing materials that are non-toxic and are environmentally-friendly.
For your references or model companies, you may check out some popular Cebu fashion accessories and house decors. Here they are…

Cebu Accessories & Products Samples

Investing in any business is not everyone’s talent. Therefore, you should know your capability and ability to venture into this field. However, I believe that although one has the ability, talent, intelligence or resources to start a business he cannot always be successful. Only those who are hard-working and persist or ‘press on’ can overcome problems and be successful.

Anyway, how do you know if can really do it if you don’t risk and try. If you fail, make sure that you learn from your mistakes and really see where you might have failed along the way. However, if you are successful then you are on the right track for bigger things to come.

So, let’s check out some products being manufactured by Cebu fashion accessories producers on the island. Here they are…

Jewelries, belts, gifts, scarves, gloves, hats, bags, place mats, hair accessories, shoes, t-shirts, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc.

How to start your fashion accessories

If you were a person with taste for fashion products you would feel your body getting excited upon reading the lines above.

Anyhow, if you got interested in learning more about Cebu accessories and other fashion products you may use the links aforementioned for more details.

However, if you want to know how to start a business or discover further some business opportunities in Cebu you better find out from the national’s ministry that is responsible for providing advice and license to interested individuals.

This governmental agency is called the Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic of the Philippines.

For the department’s branch office, you can find the accessories sector/business through the following link:

Now, if you want to learn more about doing business in the Philippines, or Cebu for this matter, you may have to read through the link below, which I definitely recommend you should do before deciding to venture into the business world in the country. Here it is…


Thanks for visiting and reading through this page. May the force of business be with you. Wish you more happy returns.

Have a great day!

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