French Kiss Divers

Nice French Kiss Divers

Contributor: FKD Malapascua
Posted by: Cebu-bluewaters

French Kiss Divers ExcitedSo excited to dive! (Photo: FKD)

French Kiss Divers or FKD is a French/International Dive School located on Malapascua Island in the North of Cebu. FKD offers various courses, such as from the Try Dive to the Instructor courses.

We focus on personalized courses in small groups with a maximum of one Instructor per four students.

The FKD spirit was born with the idea to allow the French community to meet other nationalities with conviviality and safety all around the Earth.

French Kiss Divers TrainingFKD instructors training students

We offer early departure for our certified divers (adventure Deep minimum) to be the first in the dive site with the famous Tresher Sharks.

We will go to discover the most beautiful places around the Island with a typical "Bianca" boat with a large shadow area to enjoy the trip and relax with all the services on board.

The equipment of snorkeling or diving will be provide and the trip will come with snacks, tea, coffee, fresh water and even BBQ for our special day trip.

We can organize private trips as well on Carnassa or Calangaman Islands and depending of your requests.

The French Dive School

Thresher Shark in MalapascuaThresher Shark in Malapascua

The FKD Philippines was recently founded, in 2014, and led by two able French dive instructors, SSI Karim Belli and Martin Picherit.

French Kiss Dive Shop offers Fun Dives including Scuba Refresh Program, Snorkeling and Day Trip program.

Scuba Refresh is a program prepared for those who already got dive certificates but have not been in the water for sometime - around 6 months or so.

This program allows you to work with a French instructor, specially on your theoretical knowledge and honing again your basic skills in the water.

When you complete this short program you can again join with others exploring the depths of the waters of Malapascua Island.

French Kiss Divers sunset on MalapascuaEnjoying surfing before the sunset

Another Fun Dive program is the snorkeling or the FMS (Fins, Mask, Snorkel). It is one of the easiest and accessible water activity that almost everyone can do.

French Kiss will bring you to discover the diverse marine life in Malapascua, including the colorful fish, stingrays, sharks, sea anemones, corals and more amazing creatures.

The Day Trip Program with FKD is also being offered to its learners and guests who want to explore the sea privately in a day or just a half-day.

During this trip, you will be supervised while enjoying snorkeling, diving and relaxing in Malapascua Island's beautiful places.

Calanggaman Island, Malapascua, CebuCalanggaman Island trip photo by French Kiss Dive Shop

Diving Courses

Since FKD is a dive shop, they offer various sorts of diving courses and professional courses. Their professional instructors can teach you, for example, SSI and CMAS courses for all levels and in various languages - English, French, German and Spanish.

Their expert dive instructors will demonstrate and teach you everything you need to learn, including safety measures. FKD can certainly provide you the certificate you need that is recognized everywhere you go.

They will teach you properly and according to your individual pace and needs.

Accommodation Facilities
Please, contact them directly for your inquiries. Find out more about this dive shop through the contact details below.

Finding French Kiss Divers on Malapscua Island

Here are the information you need if you are interested to learn more about this dive school on the island.

Address: Bounty Beach, Malapascua Island, Daan Bantayan, Cebu, PHILIPPINES
Phone:    +63 9771525586
Skype:     marttram; Kabe.44

Contact them right away if you are interested to learn more about their dive courses and tour offers in Malapascua Island.

Getting to Malapascua Island

You may use our guide page when you decide to get to Malapascua Island, in case you don't want a pick up service. The guide page describes the transports from Mactan Island (Cebu-Mactan International Airport) or from Cebu City.

Just click Getting to Malapascua Island and start scanning the page. It also includes some other guidelines and tips aside from the choices of transports available.

Thanks for visiting this page. Enjoy diving with FKD!

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