Singli Mountain Resort

Singli Mountain Resort in San Fernando

Singli Mountain ResortHouse on the Hill with pool (photo credit: singli mountain resort)

Singli Mountain Resort

In the town of San Fernando in Cebu Province, Singli Mountain Resort is a now popular mountain resort that nestles with amazing vintage points to observe the beautiful and refreshing surroundings.

Singli Resort is about an hour (or less) from Cebu City, the capital of this Visayan island in central Philippines.

If you love the heights of the mountains, you would desire visiting this resort since you must go up higher for about 4 kilometers from the main road down below to reach it.

Yes, it does not only offer great views from the mountain area but also (hu)man-made facilities that you can enjoy with and amenities you need. Although the mountain where Singli is located is not the highest, still, you can feel how it is like to be up there!

Let’s check out a little bit more…

Singli Mountain Resort's mountain range viewA great place for retreat

Fund Facilities & Amenities

Singli Resort has the basic facilities that can help you enjoy your time and fully relax while on a break or vacation.

Okay, here are the most important facilities being offered…

  • Kiddie Pool, Island Pool, Lap Pool
  • Cottages ( Php 500.00- Php 600.00)
  • 2 Benches Tables (Php 200.00)
  • Plastic Tables ( Php 100.00)
  • Singli Ride for 100m track (Php 10.00 per ride)
  • Cottages for day use
  • Cottages for overnight stay
  • Small Store
  • Private Room

That’s right! They have swimming pools making this resort more attractive for those who seek tranquil atmosphere as well as enjoyable facilities.

As mentioned above, there are 2 pools that are available - for children and adult groups. One is especially built to be children or kids-friendly, while the other one is for adults or those who can really swim because this is really for swimming facility. That means it is intended for those who want to swim from one side to the other—as in doing laps—just like swimmers competing in Olympics do!

singli-mountain-resortIsland pool at Singli Resort
singli-mountain-resortLap pool where you can practice swimming strokes

The cottages for day use can be rented for a day only and they are equipped with tables and chairs, basically. A practical structure where you can leave your things and where you can eat, drink, play some games, take a nap (if possible), or anything relaxing or fun.

The cottages for overnight’s use can come in handy especially when guests come in late during the day and prefers to stay a little bit more to enjoy the environment. The facilities of these cottages are also basic—only a place to stay and sleep at night.

But, there is another accommodation available that offers more facilities for an overnight’s stay or longer days, if you prefer. Washrooms, nice beds, closets, among other amenities are available in these private rooms.

In addition, if you were unprepared or have forgotten to buy necessities beforehand, you can buy some basic products from the resort’s store.

Some notes or reminders
Reserve the place privately: This means that you can organize a group or family event or anything you want to hold in this resort for a private matter. Meaning, you can rent the whole place privately—no other guests can disturb your private event or gathering

Dormitory type room at Singli Mountain ResortArtist's wall on the Dormitory Type accommodation

Services, rental rates & usage of facilities

Here are the rental rates, entrance fees, and notes on the services and facilities of the resort. Please, be reminded that rates and other elements change over time.

Services should be arranged ahead or on site if possible, including:

  • Food catering
  • Transportation
  • Sound system
  • Etc.

Entrance fee per guest depends on the time of use. Here are the breakdown:

  1. Day Use
  • Adult: Php80
  • PWD or Senior Citizen: Php60
  • 5-10 years old: Php50
  1. Night Use (20 guests minimum)
  • Adult: Php200
  • PWD or senior citizen: Php160
  • 5-10 years old: Php100

Children from age 4 and below are free of charge.

Finding Singli Mountain Resort

It is not really difficult to locate this nice mountain resort. Let us provide you the following info:

Address: Barangay Tonggo, San Fernando Town, Cebu, Philippines
Phone:   +63 9175762435

If you come from Cebu City or anywhere in the province, you better take a public bus to get to San Fernando Town. From the town proper you need to look for a motorcycle for hire (hahal-habal in Bisayan language) to get to the resort.

Of course, you can drive your own car or any vehicle you can operate to get to the place. I’m not certain if taxis would go there, but it would not be harmful if you inquire from the management ahead.

Ok... that's all for now!

Thanks for dropping by and reading to the end of this page. Please, come by again or visit more often to support or just dig more information about Cebu Province’s travel resources or vacation destinations.

Have a great day, then!

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